Thursday, December 20, 2012

बंद चार दिवारी में

आज इस बंद चार दिवारी में भी
खुद को सुरक्षित महसूस नहीं कर पा रही हूँ
पहले कुछ वहम सताते रहे हैं
अभी कमरे के सामने खड़ा विशाल पीपल का पेड़ डराता हैं
उसके ठीक निचे प्रांगण में हैं संकट मोचन वीर हनुमान और
पास ही हैं बला हरण श्री शनि देव महाराज
फिर भी इस पीपल के पत्तों  की सरसराहट
और तेज़ शीतल वायु छूते  ही जैसे चुभ सी जाती हैं
और मन को एक अनजाने भय से भर देती हैं
कुछ कदम और,
और आगे ही घाट हैं भागीरथी मैया का
वो अपने आप में ही बेहद खुबसूरत हैं और
अपने आपमें ही बहुत भयंकर भी...
सुना था इसी पानी ने लील ली हैं न जाने कितनी ज़िन्दगियाँ
और देखा मैंने बड़ी बड़ी इमारतों को भी इसमें ढहे हुए

अब अपने साए से भी सहम जाता हैं दिल
धड़कने लगता हैं जोर से की ये कौन आया
कदमो की कुछ थाप पर
संभल जाता हैं मन
की न जाने कैसी आहट हो यह
बड़ी हिम्मत से कदम बढे थे
अपनी सुदूर मंजिल की तरफ
अपनों से दूर अपने डरों से दूर
आज फिर डर रहा हैं मन
अपने ही साए से भी डर हैं
की कही घेर न ले
और अब तो अपना डर बया करना भी डरावना लगता हैं
और कुछ कह पाना भी सहज नहीं लगता
शब्द जैसे नाकाफी हो
कुछ संवेदनाओं को साझा करने के लिए
या जो समझना नहीं चाहते
उन्हें कुछ भी समझाने के लिए...

Friday, August 24, 2012

सही मुकाम

थाम लू जिसे वो सही मुकाम अब तक आया नहीं
अपनी ही नज़र में काबिल खुद को कभी पाया नहीं हमने

फैसले हमारे थे ना अब हमारे हो सकेंगे कभी
अपने ही फैसलों से हर मोड़ पर जख्म खाया हमने

कसूर किसका हैं यह बताना तो मुमकिन नहीं
खैर, हर वक़्त खुद को ही ग़लत पाया हमने

जो गुज़र गया वो लम्हा ना लौट कर आएगा कभी
फिर भी क्यूँ एक पल भी नहीं उन्हें भुलाया हमने

सफ़र आसा तो नहीं मगर चलना उम्र भर है
सब साथ हैं फिर भी खुद को तन्हा पाया हमने

ज़िन्दगी में हमेशा जो चाहो वो मिलना ज़रूरी तो नहीं
वो चाँद ना सही उन सितारों को ही हमराह बनाया हमने !

Saturday, July 28, 2012

गुलमोहर: अपूर्वा

गुलमोहर: अपूर्वा:                                                                                                                      फोटो :विपुल नाकुम  ...

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Own's representation ...

Sky is the limit... Barriers amid do cast their shadow...
But there is a long way to go… To receive, give and achieve !!!

Apart from this unrhyming sort of poetry....
I realte with this pic in the sense that life (me) is
Certainly Uncertain and Predicatably Unpredictable :)

reviewing !

Reviewing the author's lens:
In "Pedagogy of Oppressed" Paulo Freire focusses on educational programmes and presents a marxist theory of education in the context of the revolutionary context of the oppressed and the oppressors, in which the method of education favoured by the oppressors, which he calls the banking concept of education, and counters with his theory of a problem-posing education.
Friere called the narrative character of relationship between teacher and student (depositories and depositor) as Banking System of Education, where the content –the values or the empirical dimensions of reality are just narrated. Filling the containers, the students patiently receive, memorize and repeat. The teacher here always has knowledge and that knowledge is absolute and thus exercises authority/social control and the students follow them passively and meekly. It assumes that the students "know nothing" and indeed projects in "absolute ignorance".

It alienates the students from a living, critical engagement with the present political and social conditions and also excludes them from "restless, impatient, continuing, hopeful inquiry" – which men pursue in the world, with the world, and with each other and then only the knowledge emerges. It is thus programming students and ensuring the compliance of existing status-quo. It trains the students to accept things as given by others rather than trusting their own instinct to learn and grow. The thought is only authentic when it is generated by action upon the world but the students are given the thoughts of others and then their educational success is measured by their ability to regurgitate these thoughts.
In Problem-posing education approach to education teacher and student approach a problem together where the teacher does not claim to either own, nor know the world. Here the teacher and student approach the problem together. There is a real critical engagement with reality and is politically liberating because it just not ‘Fills them away’ like containers or depositories and treats them as persons as thinking beings. The Humanity is not denied here. It argues that the present is not "well-behaved" and the future is not pre-determined and thus, the students are involved in reality which they inquire critically and thus are able to transform it.

It is an approach to education which helps in discovering truths not merely absorbing the other people's version of reality through the second-hand truths disseminated to them. Whereas, the Banking system unable the pupils to develop the critical consciousness which would result from their intervention in the world as transformers of that world, thus they simply adapt to the world as it is and to the fragmented view of reality.

Freire writes: "Problem-posing education bases itself on creativity and stimulates true reflection and action upon reality, thereby responding to the vocation of persons as beings who are authentic only when engaged in inquiry and creative transformation".

The need is to recognize the child in every individual and empathetically enter their world without hiding behind a spurious authority which is maintained only by violence or authority over them !!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

m learning

Language learning

We need to really come out sometimes of the structured framework learnt at our school and learn, unlearn and relearn the things in some of their natural ways, reasoning and logics. No thought is insignificant and convey some meaning. Let's understand what each language wants to express in more or less similar ways - the language of human - it wants to understand me and I want to understand it. It is the Expressions of thoughts which matters not the form of language in which they are conveyed.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Jawab ki Khoj me...

Something’s cannot always be proved because they may or may not have logical/rational reason/s or valid justifications but they need to be accepted either as belief or fact!

    "Kya sawal poochhe; Kya jawab maange...

Jab sawal hi samajh naa aaye;To jawab kaha khoja jaye"

Reality ???

Can there be any standard benchmarks for assessing the IQ or intelligence level of a child. If so than aren’t we living in a world of paralyzed reality which has constrained the uniqueness of every child/individual.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Vision to Begin . . .

To move towards a just, equitable, humane and sustainable society - 'Education' is one of the most important and fundamental issue.  The issues like 'Health and Nutrition'/'Livelohhod' are simultaneously important and cannot be by-sided. Creating linkages and integration among other issues with a holistic approach need to be developed for considerable and sustainable change.